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The contemporary sport developed in Canada from European and native influences. These included various stick and ball games similar to field hockey, bandy and other games where two teams push a ball or object back and forth with sticks. These were played outdoors on ice under the name “hockey”.

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[trx_sc_title title_style=”medium_title” title=”Elite Program” description=”The Hockey School’s Elite Week is open to all boys and girls, skaters and goaltenders, registered in the AAA, AA, BB and CC level of their Categories during the minor hockey season.”][trx_sc_button type=”blue_button” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_position=”left” link=”/about-style-1/” title=”Details” css=”.vc_custom_1566299949844{margin-top: 2.1rem !important;}”]
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The word hockey itself is of unknown origin. One supposition is that it is a derivative of hoquet, a Middle French word for a shepherd’s stave. The curved, or “hooked” ends of the sticks used for hockey would indeed have resembled these staves. Another supposition derives from the known use of cork bungs.

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